Case Report - Archives of Nursing and Care (2022) Volume 5, Issue 7

A Case Report on performing a thorough foot assessment

Michele Burdette*

Health Science Building, College of Health, School of Nursing, University of Peking, #357, 3211 Providence Drive, Anchorage, China

*Corresponding Author:
Michele Burdette
Health Science Building, College of Health, School of Nursing, University of Peking, #357, 3211 Providence Drive, Anchorage, China

Received: 27-July-2022, Manuscript No. oanc-22-72994; Editor assigned: 29-July-2022, PreQC No. oanc-22-72994 (PQ); Reviewed: 12-August-2022, QC No. oanc-22- 72994; Revised: 17- August -2022, Manuscript No. oanc-22-72994 (R); Published: 24-August-2022 DOI: 10.37532/oanc.2022.5(7).68-70


The socioeconomics and extended maturing of the populace are prompting an expansion in lower furthest point wounds and falls. Coronary illness and diabetes kill a greater number of individuals than disease. Consistently doing a basic foot evaluation on individuals who have been considered to be at high gamble gives time for early intercession and counteraction. A Certified Foot and Nail Care Nurse (CFCN) is bound to convey important consideration rapidly in the event that they consistently look at their patients, play out an exhaustive lower limit test for loss of defensive inclination (LOPS), and screen fringe blood stream. As an individual from the multidisciplinary group, CFCN is utilized. Attendants are instructors, and avoidance through schooling is fruitful. As the most trustworthy medical services supplier, attendants collaborate with patients, construct affinity, and fashion dependable securities. The degree of care is altogether raised while utilizing the Wound Ostomy Continence Nurses' Credentialing Board (WOCNCB) CFCN, and generally speaking costs forever, appendages, and cash are diminished. This training development brings down emergency clinic affirmations while upgrading results, patient fulfillment, and security.


Foot care nurse • Prevention of wounds • Comprehensive foot exam • Inadequate blood flow


Federal medical care recipients and their guardians will keep on being affected by persistent costly injuries until proactive techniques are set up to stay away from them [1]. At least one of the issues that show up with a persistent, non-mending lower furthest point wound incorporate torment, hopelessness, appendage misfortune, and contamination. Lower limit blood vessel illness (LEAD), which influences 18 million individuals and influences a significant number of them with next to no side effects [2]. Diabetes and advanced age are two significant gamble factors for LEAD. LEAD and type 2 diabetes mellitus risk factors incorporate age, smoking, and driving an inactive way of life (T2DM). 18.8 million of the almost 26 million Americans who have diabetes have a finding, while 7,000,000 go undiscovered [3]. 65 or more seasoned addresses over 26% of the populace.

Case Presentation

How much consideration gave and the level of restricted human and monetary assets utilized for LEAD and LEND wounds are both high. A result based data set to assess the viability of foot care rehearses, instruction, fitting reference, methods, and strategies is missing, similar to a steady arrangement of care for giving proactive foot and nail care. However, what bleeding edge administration is missing? On patients who have been distinguished as having the inclination to foster an ulcer, a straightforward foot test is completed reliably and much of the time [4]. Fundamental foot and nail care is given in a protected, viable, and time-successful way. The Institute of Medicine (IOM), Healthy People 2020, and the Lower Extremity Amputation Prevention (LEAP) associations, notwithstanding the Agency for Health Care Quality and Research (AHRQ), have all recognized the requirement Table 1.

Instruments/Issues Goal
Assess for Sensation 5.07 Semmes-Weinstein Monofilament128 mHz Tuning Fork Determine loss of protective sensation and position of toe in shoe
Assess Pulses and Blood Flow Doppler Posterior Tibialis and Dorsalis PedisConduct an Ankle-Brachial Index or Toe Pressure Determine if compromised blood
Assess for Musculoskeletal Deformities Hyperkeratotic lesions and balance issues Determine pressure points, fall risk, and safety issues
Assess for Dermatologic Conditions Malignant melanoma, Tinea Pedis, Onychomycosis Determine and treat major / minor skin and nail conditions

Table 1. Comprehensive foot exam.


The focal point of as of late carried out programs is on safeguard care [5], and they empower Certified Foot and Nail Care Nurses (CFCNs) to have a critical impact in bringing down the monetary weight of really focusing on patients with LEAD and LEND. Standard patient assessments by a CFCN incorporate a lower limit foot evaluation that searches explicitly for loss of defensive sensation (LOPS) and blocked blood stream. Actual limit, saw significance, information, instruction, social joining, risk status, and patient-supplier correspondence have all been recognized as obstructions to patients performing foot taking care of oneself [6]. Seen significance, a higher gamble of lower furthest point injury, positive patient-supplier correspondence, encounters, and connections, solid informal communities — whether on the web or face to face — and schooling apparent as engaging and spurring are recognized as empowering influences for patients to perform foot care. A one percent decline in hemoglobin A1C (HbA1c) brings about a 43 percent decrease in removal, readmission, and a 800 dollar decrease in medical services costs per patient by observing and advancing severe glucose control [7]. They are learned on the most proficient method to inspect the lower furthest points, oversee issues, and make the most of mediation open doors. It would be conservative and compelling to utilize CFCNs. A CFCN with the experience and mastery utilizes information and a multidisciplinary way to deal with allude to experts expeditiously as considered suitable. Postpone in using the group approach is the best justification for individuals with diabetes and others with compromised blood stream to prompt removals [8]. An apparently minor condition, for example, an ingrowing or ingrown toe nail can prompt a significant issue and removal. Absence of restorative foot care and recognizing who is in danger is compounded with falls in a similar populace, those with LEAD and LEND particularly of the fragile weak more established populace. A CFCN with the important experience and skill can rapidly allude patients to experts when it is passed judgment on fundamental by utilizing their insight and a multidisciplinary approach [9]. The principal figure that causes removals diabetics and different patients with confined blood stream is a defer in utilizing the group approach. An obviously insignificant condition, such an ingrown or developing toenail, could form into a serious one that requires removal [10]. Falls in a similar gathering, those with LEAD and LEND particularly of the delicate weak old age, are exacerbated by an absence of remedial foot care and perceiving who is in danger.


The AHRQ, IOM, Healthy People 2020, and LEAP targets, necessities, and projects are straightforwardly tended to by this undertaking for advancement by and by. Attendants are supposed to practice to the furthest reaches of their insight and make inventive medical care recommendations explicitly to drive change, upgrade therapy, and save costs, as per the AHRQ and IOM. Medical services experts were moved by Healthy People 2020 and LEAP to address the significant expense of foot ulcers and lower how much cash spent, as well as the expense of lives and appendages lost. For patient fulfillment, the CFCN — thought about a cutting edge proactive supplier in counteraction — should offer data and incorporate a week after week telephone contact to mind the recipient. This development practically speaking spotlights on early recognition of lower furthest point neuropathy and blood vessel sickness and incorporates tests and treatments. This thought is a direct development with gigantic potential for good deeds all over the world. The multidisciplinary group way to deal with forestalling wounds and removals can be overseen by the CFCN, who will likewise ensure that the task is in accordance with AHRQ, IOM, Healthy People 2020, and LEAP programs.


There was no funding for this review article.

Conflict of Interest

The author declares no conflict of interest.


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