Commentary - Journal of Pharmaceutical Toxicology (2021) Volume 4, Issue 1

Chinese Medicine Poisoning due to Strychnine

Corresponding Author:
Alaster Cook Department of Pharmacology, University of Catania, Italy E-mail:


Strychnine is uncommon however potentially deadly. The most revealed wellsprings of strychnine incorporate rodenticides and debased road heroin. Here we report a case series of a strange reason for strychnine harming - Strychni semen, a spice known as “maqianzi” in customary Chinese medication (TCM). Around a century prior, the wide accessibility of strychnine as an over-the-counter solution for an assortment of afflictions caused a critical number of passings, particularly in kids. Accordingly, strychnine has been removed from the food and medication markets in numerous nations, and harming is currently intriguing. These days, the most revealed wellsprings of harming incorporate rodenticidesand debased road heroin5-. Strychni semen, a spice otherwise called “maqianzi” in customary Chinese medication (TCM), likewise contains strychnine along with its less harmful simple, brucine. The spice is utilized for its pain relieving, against diarrheal, cancer prevention agent, calming, antimicrobial and hostile to neoplastic properties


Strychnine is uncommon however potentially deadly. The most revealed wellsprings of strychnine incorporate rodenticides and debased road heroin. Here we report a case series of a strange reason for strychnine harming - Strychni semen, a spice known as “maqianzi” in customary Chinese medication (TCM).

Around a century prior, the wide accessibility of strychnine as an over-the-counter solution for an assortment of afflictions caused a critical number of passings, particularly in kids. Accordingly, strychnine has been removed from the food and medication markets in numerous nations, and harming is currently intriguing. These days, the most revealed wellsprings of harming incorporate rodenticidesand debased road heroin5-. Strychni semen, a spice otherwise called “maqianzi” in customary Chinese medication (TCM), likewise contains strychnine along with its less harmful simple, brucine. The spice is utilized for its pain relieving, against diarrheal, cancer prevention agent, calming, antimicrobial and hostile to neoplastic properties . Nonetheless, it has an evidently thin remedial record - the suggested measurements is 0.3-0.6 g day by day as indicated by the Chinese Pharmacopeia 201510. Strychnine is quickly assimilated from the gastrointestinal lot and poisonousness may happen when 15 minutes after ingestion. By restraint of glycine receptors at the spinal string, strychnine glut causes firmness and discontinuous fits. Every episode of fit goes on for around half to two minutes and is handily set off by passionate misery or even paltry tangible improvements. Serious fits might imitate epileptic seizures, however there is protected mindfulness without post-ictal languor. This run of the mill element of strychnine harming is known as cognizant spasms/spinal seizures and may impersonate lockjaw, however the last option can be separated by a positive history of injury, and a more continuous and extended course of sickness . Extreme seizures might make rhabdomyolysis and can be quickly deadly due respiratory disappointment . Milder manifestations of strychnine harming incorporate tumult, palpitations, hyperventilation, dazedness, hyperacusis and paresthesia. By the by, with globalization, movement and the rising fame of TCM all over the planet , particularly in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, inspiring a background marked by natural medication use, notwithstanding openness to rodenticides and medications of misuse, might be useful in making the clinical analysis of strychnine harming. Recognizing the wellspring of strychnine harming is additionally significant for general wellbeing measures.

Our outcomes showed that Strychni semen was the restrictive wellspring of clinically and scientifically affirmed strychnine harming in Hong Kong during the 14-year concentrate on period. Likewise, Strychni semen harming shared a comparable range of clinical highlights with strychnine harming because of different causes. This unconventionally overwhelming wellspring of strychnine harming in Hong Kong is possible added to by the way that most Hong Kong occupants are ethnic Chinese.

The act of TCM is becoming well known in various areas of the planet in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. This study reminds the calling that strychnine harming can result from TCM use. The range of clinical highlights of strychnine harming auxiliary to Strychni semen (maqianzi) are like those that emerge from various starting points. Inspiring a background marked by TCM use, aside from openness to rodenticides and medications of misuse, may permit ideal determination in patients with viable clinical highlights. Upgrade of TCM wellbeing could limit the danger.



Conflict of Interest

The author declares there is no conflict of interest.