Editor Note - Diabetes Management (2020) Volume 10, Issue 3
Editor Note For Diabetes Management
The journal has been started in the year 2011 and it released its first volume in the same year. Till now, the journal has released 9 volumes by the end of 2019 and is successfully running its 10th Volume.The journal encourages broader research perspectives including Clinical Care, Education and Nutrition to fight diabetes. The journal also focuses on aspects involving Psychosocial Research, Epidemiology, Health Services Research on Emerging Treatments and Technologies to deal with Pathophysiology, Complications, Cardiovascular and Metabolic Risk. Diabetes Management Journal intends to publish peer-reviewed, original articles that address the global health concerns related to diabetes. It provides clinicians with the latest findings and opinions on the optimum therapies to check the ever expanding diabetes. It is an open access, online, international journal with a primary objective to reach the readers and researchers globally.
All published articles of this journal are included in the indexing and abstracting coverage of China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), WorldCat, Secret Search Engine Labs. During the calendar year 2019, Journal received a total of 19 manuscripts, out of which 4 articles were rejected in the preliminary screening due to plagiarism or being out of the format and peer review process. Globally articles have been accessed by the research scientists and also cited. During the calendar year 2019, a total of three Editors, six reviewers joined the
The journal always was in contact with the scientific group of the world through its mails, social media networks and its digital platforms. Some of the best ways to be in contact with the audiences’ are:
1. Twitter postings: Regularly posting the articles, trends, updates of the journal. They can be visible at @ComputationalJ.
2. Posting Google Analytics data in the website.
3. Using LinkedIn and Facebook for regular updates.
4. Regularly being in contact not only through mails but also through WhatSapp.
The complete details about the journal can be seen at:
https://www.openaccessjournals.com/journals/diabetes-management.html and for contacting us, mail us or WhatsApp us.
So, as an Editor, I invite all the extended dignitaries in this field to submit their articles for bringing this research/expertise to the global scientific community.
Leung Po