Short Article - Neuroscience and Psychiatry: Open Access (2020) Volume 3, Issue 2

Explore the novel innovations in the field of Neurology and Neuroscience

Mohamed Fahmy Zeid

Alexandria University, Egypt


We are extremely gratified to declare our upcoming fortuitous neurology conference 5 th World Congress Neurology and Therapeutics Conference is scheduled during March 05-06, 2021 Edinburgh, Scotland. It is our boundless privilege to solicit each one of you to our meritorious neuro meet of all the dignitaries worldwide over there. We believe in serving people with the most advanced solutions to Neurological Impairments where we stood prior in our last event 3rd World Congress on Neurology and Therapeutics Conference in Madrid, Spain. It was a tremendous success over the year to establish a strong affinity with our advanced neurological solutions, diagnosis and Neurotherapeutics Conference. View our Past Conference Report of Advanced Neurology 2020. Our propitious neurology congress is tailored around the theme “Know the Unknown Advanced Solutions on Neurology” We’ve constructed this year’s neurology conference primarily based on input from you, so get equipped for a streamlined agenda packed with neurologists, neurosurgeons, neuro specialists, neuro freaks, neuro physicians, industry insights, innovations, and masses of opportunities to share ideas and provide remarks.

Would like to give a glimpse of what’s in:

Robust exposure for all the influential, notable speakers and organizing committee members. Quality and quick editorial, evaluate processing of submitted abstracts within 21 days. Deliver scientific equipment and techniques that ought to accelerate all of Neuro diversed topics, Neuro alliedsciences, neurologists, neurosurgeons, neurorehabilitat ion physicians, neuro physicians etc. With a rooted belief to create a tradition of combating, preventing, and aiding the neurological research that emphasizes the sector-huge collaborations, researchers and industrialists. Advantage mutual learning and knowing throughout various lines of sciences under Neurology, Neurosurgery, Neurosciences. Aside from harnessing these stipulated neurology conferences titles we also get the risk issues under the spotlight over this entire spectrum. Lengthy awaited progress of unlocking the mysteries is made in the course of the World Neuro Congress. Come join us! Unitedly taking the oath of improving our understanding, behaviors, choices and novel research on the thinking mechanism that people make in relation to the brain. Advanced Neurology Conference 2020 declares a whole hearted solicitation to all the participants, students, attendees and business delegates from all over the world to Prague, Czech Republic. Delighted to welcome you to 4 th World Congress Neurology and Therapeutics Conference is scheduled during December 05-06, 2020 in Prague, Czech Republic. Advanced Neurology Conference 2020 aims to congregate the Neurologists, Neurophysiologists, Neurosurgeons, psychiatrists, physiatrists, Pharmacists, Research scientists, Neurology Organizations and Neurology societies, Professors and Students from Academia and even from business delegates across the world to provide an international rostrum for the dissemination of original research, noval ideas and practical development experiences. This year’s event will be sure to have a meaningful experience witnessing with scholars from around the world. Its all worth to know about oeur Neurology Conference

Importance and Scope:Th Neuroscience market in our neurology conferences aims to understand the functioning and manipulation of nervous system, how one’s brain mechanism works, understands, reacts and complex neuronal circuits based on ongoing research on brain mapping sessions and investigation projects. The demand for such research in our neurology conferences is due to the increase of various nervous disorders including Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease and inherited genetic disorders and another reason is the lack of research unity towards the healthier world. This Meeting strategic astuteness is to be an event for bringing together Scientists, Physicians, International mix of leading department of neurology and neuroscience in Universities, Alzheimer’s and Dementia Institutions, on growing welfares for Neurological Impairments to transform the practices, to prevent, to control and cure these neurological diseases in our neurology conference.

Glance at Market Share: According to WHO, it has been reported that about one billion of people are suffering from worldwide neurological impairments and 6.8 million people die every year suffering from it. According to the UN report: nearly one in six of the world’s population suffer from neurological disorders, from Neurological impairments like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson disease, strokes, multiple sclerosis and epilepsy to migraine, brain injuries and neuro-infections, with some 6.8 people dying of the maladies each year. Though there are 600 known neurological disorders which affect our nervous system and our muscular system severely but still for most of the diseases treatment options are very limited and research is going on that are to be discussed in neurology conference. It features board investigations in the Neurology, Neurophysiology and interdisciplinary departments of Neurosciences and many new inclusion of main tracks from our neurology conferences. By using the global statistics, it's far visible that 50 million people be afflicted by epilepsy, sixty- million people be afflicted by cerebrovascular disease, 3 hundred and twenty-six million human beings suffer from migraine, and twenty-4 million of the population suffer from Alzheimer sickness and other dementias. according to the college of California, San Francisco.

The range of neurological diseases is heading extra than six hundred, out of which maximum of the diseases remedy remains beneath limitations and research continues to be processing and discussed in our meritorious neurology conference. The global Burden of Neurological disorder have a look at, in conjunction with the ongoing worldwide collaborative venture among WHO, the world financial institution and the Harvard college of Public fitness, has come up with the evidence that pinpoints neurological disorders session in neurology conferences are one of the greatest threats to public health.

Current advances in Neurosurgery era have meant that the focal point of remedy for spinal situations has improved closer to protection of normal spinal motion and sparing of structures adjacent to hassle regions. Consistent with the record of the sector fitness enterprise (WHO) on neurology conferences that neurological disorders, ranging from epilepsy to Alzheimer disease, from stroke to headache, affect up to 1Billion of the population worldwide.

Major Neurology and Neurophysiology Associations around the Globe

• American Clinical Neurophysiology Society

• American Physiological Society

• American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN)

• American Neurological Association (ANA)

• American Academy of Neurology • American Society of Neuroimaging

• American Association of Neurological Surgeons

• Child Neurology Society

• European Federation of Neurological Societies

• Indian Academy of Neurology

• Neurological Society of India

Target Audience:

Neurologists, Neurosurgeons, Neurophysiologists, psychiatrists, physiatrists, Pharmacists, Research scientists, Neurology Organizations and societies, Pharmaceutical (drug design and discovery) companies, Neuro and CNS drug Industries, Neuroscience associations & foundations, Professors and Students from Academia in the study of Neurology and Neurophysiology and researchers who utilize neurophysiological techniques and knowledge in the diagnosis and management of patients with disorders of the nervous system in our neurology conference.

Top Universities around the globe

• Dalhousie University

• Leiden University- Neither land

• Temple University USA • University Oklahoma

• Boston Coll USA

• Florida International University

• University California – Davis

• University Sheffield • University Manchester

• University of Nottingham • Cardiff University

• University of Toronto – Canada

Past Conference Report:

With utmost appreciation, Advanced Neurology 2019 thanks all the participants for their sincere efforts to place our 3 rd World Congress on Neurology and Therapeutics, October 07-08, 2019 in Madrid, Spain a successful and memorable one. In a row of series, Pulsus Group has completed over three international Neurology conferences. We would really like to thank all of our outstanding dignitaries of world neuro congress for presenting us with the splendid keynotes, speakers, convention attendees, students, institutions, media partners and guests for making Advanced Neurology 2019 a success and top-notch event.

Pulsus Group hosted the 3rd World Congress on Neurology and Therapeutics during October 07-08, 2019 in Madrid, Spain at Rafaelhoteles Forum Alcalá with the theme “Neurology! Heal the world of Neurological Impairments...” Benevolent response and active participation was received from the Editorial Board Members of supporting International Journals as well as from the leading academic scientists, researchers, research scholars, students and leaders from the fields of Neurology, Neuroscience and neurotherapeutics who made this event successful. The neurology conference turned into marked with the aid of the attendance of young and brilliant researchers, enterprise delegates and talented pupil communities representing greater nations, who've driven this event into the path of achievement. This neurology conference highlighted through diverse periods on Neurological issues studies. Advanced Neurology 2019 witnessed an amalgamation of unparalleled speakers who enlightened the gathering with their knowledge and discussed on various new-fangled topics related to the fields of Neurologicaldisorders, Neurotherapeutics, Neuroimaging, Neurology, Neuroscience.

The neurology congress proceedings were performed through various scientific sessions and plenary lectures. Neurology conference changed into embarked with an opening ceremony accompanied by way of a sequence of lectures introduced by way of both Honourable guests and contributors to the Keynote discussion board. The adepts of Spain Neurology Conference promulgated the subject matter with their excellent communication and testimonials obtained from the Keynote speakers;

Jacques Fantini | Aix-Marseille University | France

Nouara Yahi | Aix-Marseille University | France

Asha Mankowska | Your Favorite Business Coach | USA

Zaiga Kalnberza-Ribule | National Rehabilitation Center Vaivari | Latvia

Svike | National Rehabilitation Center Vaivari | Latvia

Carmela Matrone | University of Aarhus | Denmark

Mohammed Hassan AlBanji | King Abdulaziz University | Saudi Arabia

Shiva Ebrahimian Dehaghani | Shiraz University of Medical Sciences | Iran

Alessandro Rabbito | Medical University of Biaystok | Poland

Waleed B Shuaib | Kuwait University | Saudi Arabia

Eesa W Alshuaib | National University of Ireland Galway |Ireland

Paola Valero-Ávila | University Jaume I | Spain

Workshops were conducted by;

Philippe Crespo | Amypore | France

Driss Fantini | Amypore | France

The event enlightened various areas of Advanced Neurology with Workshops and plenary lectures from the speakers of various universities and organizations like

University of Houston, USA

Aix-Marseille University | France

Your Favorite Business Coach | USA

National Rehabilitation Center Vaivari | Latvia

Amypore | France

University of Aarhus | Denmark

Neurodevelopment center | Mexico

King Abdulaziz University | Saudi Arabia

Shiraz University of Medical Sciences | Iran

Sriwijaya University | Indonesia

Kuwait University | Saudi Arabia

National University of Ireland Galway |Ireland

University Jaume I | Spain

Kilee Patchell-Evans Autism Research Group (KPEARG), Canada

Children’s Therapy Center, USA

University of Potsdam, Germany

St. John of God Hospital, Italy

King’s College London, UK

University of Zadar, Croatia

Cairo University Hospital Medical School, Egypt

Instituto de Neurologia y Neurocirugia, Cuba

Global Goodwill Ambassadors Laughter Coach, Singapore

Panjab University, India

Southeast University, China

Bahcesehir University, Turkey

We are also obliged to various delegate professionals, organization representatives and different eminent personalities who supported the conference by way of facilitating active discussion boards. We clearly thank the Organizing Committee participants for their gracious presence in neurology conference, guide, and assistance towards the achievement of Advanced Neurology 2019. Finally yet importantly, the support of our collaborators, media partners like Crowd Reviews, Enliven Archive, Kind Congress, Manuscript Edit, Pink Medico, Placid Way, Tabeeby, The Pharma Times and Vydya Health also place a vital role in the grand completion of our event.