Clinical images - Imaging in Medicine (2020) Volume 12, Issue 2

Eyebrow eczema caused by "Harkous"

Rasso A*, Chaoui R, Baybay H, Elloudi S, Douhi Z & Mernissi FZ

Department of Dermatology CHU Hassan II, Fez, Morocco

Corresponding Author:
Rasso A
Department of Dermatology CHU Hassan II
Fez, Morocco



Henny ■ Eczema eyebrow ■ Hrakous

A 35 y old women, with no significant pathological history, admitted for management of pruritic oozing eyebrow lesion that appeared 24 hours after application of a traditional eyebrow tattoo (FIGURE 1A). Dermatological examination showed two clear border plaques on right and left eyebrows, oozing with bilateral periorbital oedema (FIGURE 1B), without signs of super infection or other associated damage. The patient was treated with dermocorticoid with improvement and disappearance of oedema after 4 days.


Figure 1(A): Traditional eyebrow tattoo; “Harkous”.


Figure 1(B):Dermatological examination showed two clear border plaques on right and left eyebrows, oozing with bilateral periorbital oedema.

The “Harkous” is a tattoo for the skin of black color, or brown, is prepared on base of natural products and of Tunisian origin. The “Harkous” is elaborated from henny, siwak (bark of a tree), cloves, walnut of gall and incense [1,2]. The cooking is done on charcoal and lasts hours. this natural tattoo is used by the Maghreb population at the level of the eyebrows, hands and feet, with a duration of 10 minutes, then removed. this tattoo lasts 1 to 2 weeks on the skin. its price is very affordable, and it is available at the herbalist, but these products are manufactured under no supervision with recipes that differ by region, even the technique and duration of application is variable. Our patient has exceeded 30 minutes of application. Through this article I describe the case of a young girl who had presented an allergy type eczema irritation in order to take precaussion lord of the use of this product.
