Editorial - Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Clinical Practice (2021) Volume 4, Issue 3

Heart complications and its structural functions

Corresponding Author:
Thomas Lewis Department of Cardiology, University College Hospital, London E-mail: thomaslewis@gmail.com


The journal Pharmaceutical Research and Clinical Practice is a international peer reviewed journal deals with the death causing diseases mainly cardiovascular diseases which is the number one reason for deaths globally it is an open access journal and offers an platform to the researches, scholars ,clinical practitioners etc.it covers wide range of areas of studies in the fields of heart surgery, inflammatory cardio myopathy left atrium enlargement, early repolarization symptoms etc it also publishes all kind of research studies like research articles commentaries short communications and also focuses on the recent therapeutic efforts.


Coming to the heart is a large muscular organ which is actually divided into two halves one half is called arteries and another half is called ventricles and also it is divided into two halves in a vertical manner one is right hand side and another one is left hand side right hand side heart is use to pump the deoxygenated blood and left hand side heart is used to pump oxygenated blood to the body. And we all know number of chambers In the heart are four upper two chambers are called atria’s and lower part chambers re called ventricles atria receive the blood from the body and ventricles pump the purified blood to the body the major work done by the heart is supplying oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and removing carbon dioxide and wastes from the blood.

Possible complications that occurred to the hearts are irregular heart beat heart attacks chest wound infections kidney problems, people above seventy years are at higher risk after the open heart surgery people survive barely for 5 years for people above the age of 65 to 70 and for people below 50 may live for 10 to 15 years . heart blockage may lead to the chest pain breathing problem like shortness of breath tightness there is also some difference between men’s heart and women heart a women’s heart pumps blood faster than the men’s heart some people after the heart surgery suffers a lot they cannot take food properly the cannot digest the food properly some people suffer from vomiting’s some suffer from indigestion etc. mostly the major symptoms of heart attack are swelling in the legs reduced ability to exercise rapid and irregular heart beat we can see the swelling near the belly ,fainting etc.


Due to some of the damaged valve function blood does not pump properly from the heart to the body this may lead to other long term diseases if a person’s blood pressure is very high the heart works harder than the usual heart work and taking too much alcohol also the reason to the heart failures and also people who are having obesity also suffers from heart attack and also certai type of viruses can also make the heart muscle weak and causes heart failure. People who are effected with heart failure may suffer from severe lung damage to avoid heart failure we have to reduce the risk factors we have to control smoking we have to main healthy weight reduce stress.