Commentary - Journal of Agriculture (2022) Volume 5, Issue 3

The Relationship between Urban Sprawl and Farmland Displacement in the Pearl River Delta, China

Sunali Mahajan*

Division of Statistics and Computer Science, India

*Corresponding Author:
Sunali Mahajan Division of Statistics and Computer Science, India E-mail:

Received: 02-Jun-2022, Manuscript No. jagri-22-42454; Editor assigned: 06-Jun-2022, PreQC No. jagri-22- 42454(PQ); Reviewed: 20-Jun-2022, QC No. jagri-22-42454; Revised: 23-Jun-2022, Manuscript No. jagri- 22-42454(R); Published: 30-Jun-2022, DOI: 10.37532/jagri.2022.5(3).58-59


China is rapidly urbanizing and will inevitably face trade-offs between promoting economic growth through further urbanization and protecting fertile farmland against accelerated urban expansion. This paper presents how this dilemma is being addressed in one of the most rapidly urbanizing regions in China, the Pearl River Delta (PRD), by means of assessing urban growth and farmland dynamic, as well as their complex relationships. Land use maps derived from Landsat imagery for 1990, 2000 and 2010 show a process of accelerated urban sprawl whereby built-up lands have more than quadrupled and scattered centers have merged into megacities.


farmland protection • urban sprawl • spatial analysis


Accelerated urbanization has been viewed as a very important instrument for promoting economic development and reducing regional wealth disparities in some developing countries Nevertheless, the literature has brought forward a large vary of negative effects concerning the human-environment system in sprawling urban areas. A frequent conflict exists between urban expansion and farmland protection, as a result of urban enlargement is inescapably at the expense of clearing surrounding fertile farmlands that were once elementary to the city’s agricultural market. To protect farmland and open house several developed countries have already adopted varied measures, including farmland protection, sensible conservation, belt, inexperienced infrastructure and market orientated policies [1]. However, within the developing world, not solely are such methods unimplemented, however the matter itself is additionally a lot of pressing as this can be wherever the rise in world urban population is focused. Developing countries are experiencing associate degree accelerated urbanization. Their cities can most likely hold over ninety fifth of cyberspace increase in world population by 2050 In China, the world’s second-largest economy and presently the foremost thickly settled developing country, the urban population has increased by five hundred million throughout 1980–2011 that exceeds the overall population in most countries. Its proportion within the total population has improbably up from nineteen.6% to 51.3%. This trend can continue within the coming back decades and by 2050, the amount of urban dwellers can rise by another 300 million. While not a doubt, existing urban areas can sprawl out and new urban centers can spring up to carry the growing dwellers. Farmlands are so at nice risk of being developed without land use policy reformation. Farmland loss in China receives a great deal of attention due to issues concerning a way to feed the most important population within the world. The Chinese central government created farmland protection associate degree essential tool and enacted each the essential Farmland Protection Regulation (BFPR) and also the new Land Administration Law (LAL) in 1999 to scale back farmland loss, guarantee grain production and increase urban land use potency. These policies need that native governments and people cut back the demand for brand spanking new urban lands by victimization them a lot of with efficiency and make sure that development on farmlands is barely allowed if their substitutes will be rescued elsewhere [2]. However, as land resource is important in promoting economic process in China, decision-makers are so conflicted concerning whether or not or to not implement them strictly at the value of lowering economic benefit. Many studies found that the land policies solely reduced cyberspace loss of farmland through reclaiming farmlands in peripheral areas. Li argued that the farmland protection policy may bring about to reclaiming new farmlands on less appropriate areas of lower productivity. Liu et al. and Liu et al. Analyzed satellite pictures of People’s Republic of China for 1990, 2000 and 2005. They found farmland cut tremendously in quickly urban provinces whereas considerable farmlands were reclaimed in peripheral areas. Wang et al. reached an analogous conclusion supported the nation-wide Land 2014, 3 36 survey information of land use amendment throughout 1996–2008. Moreover, Zhang et al, additionally found farmland displacement in Fusan of the Pearl stream Delta. Therefore, not solely may the land policies guarantee farmland stability to an exact extent however they might additionally cause farmland displacement as a by-product. Nevertheless, it’s still unknown however this mechanism works at a regional scale [3].


The populated area is primarily due to land worth distinction between rural and concrete lands. The land worth in villages is barely 0.5 or less of that in cities and much below than in cities; the considerable variations encourages tiny industries to put in in villages and cities, particularly at the beginning. Thanks to the land worth distinction, cities like better to unfold towards rural surroundings rather than improve the potency of existing urban lands [4].

Conflict of Interests





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