Mini Review - International Journal of Clinical Rheumatology (2024) Volume 19, Issue 1

Understanding Polymyalgia Rheumatic: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Ricardo Calda*

Department of Public Health and Pharmacology, and Medical Education, University of Porto, Portugal

*Corresponding Author:
Ricardo Calda
Department of Public Health and Pharmacology, and Medical Education, University of Porto, Portugal
Received: 01-Jan-2023, Manuscript No. fmijcr-24-127650; Editor assigned: 03- Jan-2023, Pre-QC No. fmijcr-24-127650 (PQ); Reviewed: 17-Jan-2023, QC No. fmijcr-24-127650; Revised: 24-Jan-2023, Manuscript No. fmijcr-24-127650 (R); Published: 30-Jan-2023, DOI: 10.37532/1758- 4272.2024.19(1).40-43


Polymyalgia rheumatic (PMR) is a common inflammatory disorder primarily affecting older adults, characterized by widespread muscle pain and stiffness. Despite its prevalence, the exact etiology of PMR remains elusive, with genetic predisposition and immune system dysfunction being implicated as potential factors. The hallmark symptoms include morning stiffness, fatigue, and loss of appetite, often leading to decreased mobility and quality of life. Diagnosis of PMR involves a thorough evaluation of medical history, physical examination, and laboratory tests, ruling out other possible causes. Treatment strategies typically involve corticosteroids to alleviate inflammation and symptoms, though long-term use may pose risks of adverse effects. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), physical therapy, and lifestyle modifications are also utilized to manage symptoms and improve overall well-being. Understanding the symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment options for PMR is essential for effective management and improved outcomes in affected individuals. Early recognition and intervention are crucial in mitigating the impact of PMR on daily functioning and quality of life.


Polymyalgia rheumatica •Symptoms •Causes •Diagnosis •Treatment


Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) stands as a challenging inflammatory condition, predominantly afflicting the elderly population, characterized by debilitating muscle pain and stiffness. This ailment not only affects the physical well-being but also imposes considerable limitations on daily activities and diminishes the quality of life for those affected [1]. Despite its prevalence, polymyalgia rheumatic remains an enigma in many aspects, with its precise etiology eluding researchers and clinicians alike. Consequently, navigating through the complexities of PMR necessitates a comprehensive understanding of its symptoms, underlying causes, diagnostic approaches, and available treatment modalities [2]. Within the scope of this exploration, we embark on a journey to unravel the intricacies of polymyalgia rheumatica, shedding light on its multifaceted nature and the challenges it presents to both patients and healthcare professionals. Through a detailed examination of the symptoms that hallmark this condition, we aim to elucidate the profound impact it exerts on the musculoskeletal system and the overall well-being of individuals grappling with its manifestations. Polymyalgia rheumatica is a disorder characterized by widespread aching and stiffness, primarily in the shoulders, neck, upper arms, hips, and thighs [3,4]. The pain and stiffness are often worse in the morning or after periods of inactivity, leading to difficulty with mobility and daily activities. While the exact cause of PMR is unclear, it is believed to involve an autoimmune response, where the body's immune system mistakenly attacks its own tissues, leading to inflammation in the affected areas. Furthermore, we delve into the intricate web of factors believed to contribute to the onset and progression of PMR. While genetic predisposition and aberrations in the immune system have emerged as plausible culprits, the interplay of environmental influences remains a subject of ongoing inquiry. By unraveling the underlying mechanisms driving the pathogenesis of PMR, we endeavor to illuminate potential avenues for therapeutic intervention and disease management [5]. Moreover, this exploration delves into the complexities of diagnosing polymyalgia rheumatica, a task often fraught with challenges due to the nonspecific nature of its symptoms and the overlap with other rheumatic conditions. Through a meticulous examination of the diagnostic criteria and methodologies employed in clinical practice, we seek to empower both clinicians and patients with the knowledge necessary to navigate the diagnostic process effectively and expedite access to timely interventions. Finally, we embark on a comprehensive exploration of the treatment landscape for polymyalgia rheumatica, encompassing pharmacological interventions, rehabilitative measures, and lifestyle modifications aimed at mitigating symptoms and improving overall quality of life. By elucidating the benefits and potential risks associated with each therapeutic modality, we endeavor to facilitate informed decision-making and optimize patient outcomes in the management of this debilitating condition [6]. In essence, this journey into understanding polymyalgia rheumatic serves as a beacon of knowledge and empowerment for both patients and healthcare professionals, fostering greater awareness, empathy, and efficacy in the management of this complex inflammatory disorder. Through collaboration, education, and innovation, we strive to unravel the mysteries of PMR and alleviate the burden it imposes on individuals and society as a whole.


Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) presents a complex clinical picture characterized by its hallmark symptoms of muscle pain and stiffness, primarily affecting the shoulders, neck, upper arms, hips, and thighs. Understanding the nuances of PMR requires a multifaceted exploration of its symptoms, underlying causes, diagnostic challenges, and treatment options. In this discussion, we delve deeper into each aspect of PMR to illuminate key insights and considerations in its management and care.

Symptoms of PMR: The symptoms of PMR, including morning stiffness lasting more than 30 minutes, fatigue, and loss of appetite, often result in considerable impairment in daily functioning and quality of life for affected individuals. The widespread nature of muscle pain and stiffness, coupled with the insidious onset of symptoms, can lead to delays in diagnosis and treatment initiation [7]. Furthermore, the variability in symptom presentation among patients underscores the importance of a thorough clinical evaluation to differentiate PMR from other rheumatic conditions with overlapping features.

Causes of PMR: The etiology of PMR remains incompletely understood, with both genetic predisposition and immune system dysfunction implicated as potential contributing factors. While certain genetic polymorphisms have been associated with an increased risk of PMR, the precise mechanisms underlying disease development and progression remain elusive. Dysregulation of the immune system, characterized by an aberrant inflammatory response targeting the musculoskeletal system, is thought to play a central role in the pathogenesis of PMR [8]. Environmental factors, such as infections or hormonal imbalances, may also trigger or exacerbate the inflammatory cascade, further complicating the disease process.

Diagnosis of PMR: Diagnosing PMR poses significant challenges due to the nonspecific nature of its symptoms and the absence of definitive diagnostic tests. Clinicians must rely on a combination of clinical judgment, medical history, physical examination findings, and laboratory tests to establish a diagnosis of PMR and differentiate it from other rheumatic conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia. Elevated inflammatory markers, such as C-reactive protein (CRP) and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), are often present in individuals with PMR, providing supportive evidence for diagnosis [9]. However, the absence of these markers does not exclude the possibility of PMR, highlighting the need for a comprehensive approach to diagnosis that considers the entire clinical picture.

Treatment of PMR: The management of PMR aims to alleviate symptoms, reduce inflammation, and improve overall function and quality of life. Oral corticosteroids, such as prednisone, are the mainstay of treatment for PMR, providing rapid relief of symptoms in most cases. However, long-term use of corticosteroids is associated with significant risks of adverse effects, including osteoporosis, cardiovascular complications, and infections. Therefore, clinicians must carefully weigh the benefits and risks of corticosteroid therapy and consider alternative treatment options for patients at increased risk of complications [10]. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), physical therapy, and lifestyle modifications may also play adjunctive roles in managing symptoms and optimizing patient outcomes.


In conclusion, polymyalgia rheumatic (PMR) represents a multifaceted inflammatory condition that significantly impacts the lives of affected individuals. Despite the challenges posed by its nonspecific symptoms, elusive etiology, and potential for long-term complications, advancements in understanding PMR have paved the way for more effective diagnosis and management strategies. By recognizing the hallmark symptoms of PMR, including muscle pain and stiffness, clinicians can expedite the diagnostic process and initiate timely interventions to alleviate symptoms and improve patient outcomes. Furthermore, gaining insight into the underlying causes of PMR, such as genetic predisposition and immune system dysfunction, provides a foundation for targeted therapeutic approaches and ongoing research endeavors aimed at unraveling the complexities of this condition. Diagnosing PMR requires a comprehensive evaluation that considers the entire clinical picture, including medical history, physical examination findings, and laboratory tests. While elevated inflammatory markers may support the diagnosis, clinicians must exercise caution in interpreting these results and remain vigilant for alternative explanations for the presenting symptoms. In terms of treatment, corticosteroids remain the cornerstone of therapy for PMR, providing rapid relief of symptoms in most cases. However, the potential for adverse effects necessitates a judicious approach to dosing and monitoring, with consideration of alternative treatment options for patients at increased risk of complications. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), physical therapy, and lifestyle modifications also play important adjunctive roles in managing symptoms and optimizing patient well-being. Moving forward, continued research efforts aimed at elucidating the underlying mechanisms of PMR, identifying biomarkers for early detection, and exploring novel therapeutic targets hold promise for improving outcomes and enhancing the quality of life for individuals living with this challenging condition. By fostering collaboration, innovation, and patient-centered care, we can strive to alleviate the burden of PMR and empower affected individuals to lead fulfilling lives.


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