Volume 14, Issue 4
Case Reportp. 205-212
Complications of minimally invasive left Ventricular assistance: a case report and review of the literature
Author(s): Mleyhi Sobhi*, Radu Costin & Couetil Jean Paul
Research Articlep. 214-218
Effect of application of ice pack on reducing pain during the arterial puncture
Author(s): Nahla Shaaban Khalil*
Research Articlep. 220-223
Giant coronary aneurysm in a woman with Sjogren's syndrome and rheumatoid arthritis history: case report
Author(s): Shenggang Zhao, Li Xu, Jianjiang Xu, Zhang Bin, Jianqin Zhang & Liqin Jiang*
Research Articlep. 237-242
An underestimated blood parameter before myeloproliferative neoplasm diagnosis: the case of thrombocytosis and the delayed essential thrombocytemia diagnosis
Author(s): Vincenzo Martinelli, Laura Cella, Novella Pugliese*, Ilaria Cappuccio, Ida Rosalia Scognamiglio, Luana Marano, Luigia Simeone, Giulia Campagna, Marco Picardi & Fabrizio Pane
Case Reportp. 244-247
Primary Skeletal Muscle Tuberculosis In An Immunocompetent Patient
Author(s): S Daboussi*, S M'hamdi, C Aichaouia, Z Moatamri, M Khadraoui, R Cheikh
Research Articlep. 249-256
Treatment of extensive post-burn deformities using extra-large sheets of full thickness skin grafts
Author(s): Mohamed Elsayed Mohamed*, Belal Abdullah Almobarak & Mohamed Ibrahim Hassan