Volume 4, Issue 4
Special Issue Articlep. 01
Quality of life (QOL) in patients with the chronic kidney disease
Author(s): Nasreen
Special Issue Articlep. 02
Risk factors for intra-hospital transport of the newborn patients: A new solution to an old problem
Author(s): Loersch F
Special Issue Articlep. 03
Validity of a Construct for Measuring Pruritus In the Brazilian Burn Victims
Author(s): Roberta Cunha Matheus Rodrigues
Special Issue Articlep. 05
Assessment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder among the Shengalian Internally Displaced Persons
Author(s): Zidan Khalaf Murad
Short Communicationp. 1
Three Reasons Why Emotional Intelligence Matters in Health Care
Author(s): Ginger Raya Cairo University, Egypt
Special Issue Articlep. 2
Navigating Patients through the Maze of Information and Mis-Information about medicinal cannabis (Marijuana)
Author(s): Penny Daugherty Northside Hospital Cancer Institute, USA
Special Issue Articlep. 3
Demonstrating relevant KPI's in palliative care settings through nursing documentation
Author(s): Susanne Raeburn-Burgess
Special Issue Articlep. 4
Incorporating Innovative Nanotechnology Epilepsy Treating device in the nursing management of adult patients with epilepsy: COVID19 pandemic consideration
Author(s): Ehsan A Yahia Cairo University, Egypt
Special Issue Articlep. 5
What will keep nursing graduates in the long term nursing care profession in healthcare?
Author(s): Keren Grinberg Ruppin Academic Centre, Israel
Special Issue Articlep. 6
Nurses under the stress of covid-19
Author(s): Alia Al Harthi Ministry of Health, Oman
Special Issue Articlep. 7
COVID-19 and the Elderly: The Nursing Home Dilemma
Author(s): Geneva M Edwards Unlawful Medicine LLC, United States