Citations Report

Clinical Practice : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Clinical Practice have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world.

Clinical Practice has got h-index 29, which means every article in Clinical Practice has got 29 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Clinical Practice.

  2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016

Year wise published articles

50 27 55 66 38 13

Year wise citations received

494 462 352 277 260 226
Journal total citations count 3847
Journal impact factor 12.24
Journal 5 years impact factor 8.50
Journal cite score 10.62
Journal h-index 29
Journal h-index since 2018 21
Journal Impact Factor 2020 formula
IF= Citations(y)/{Publications(y-1)+ Publications(y-2)} Y= Year
Journal 5-year Impact Factor 2020 formula
Citations(2016 + 2017 + 2018 + 2019 + 2020)/
{Published articles(2016 + 2017 + 2018 + 2019 + 2020)}
Journal citescore
Citescorey = Citationsy + Citationsy-1 + Citationsy-2 + Citations y-3 / Published articlesy + Published articlesy-1 + Published articlesy-2 + Published articles y-3
  • Cui J, Xiao Y, Shi Y, Le G, Miao X (2010) Comparative proteome analysis of splenic lymphocytes in long-term high-fat diet and dietary supplement with lipoic acid mice. Cellular immunology 264: 156-162.

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  • Francipane MG, Lagasse E (2013) mTOR pathway in colorectal cancer: an update. Oncotarget. 

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  • Aronow WS, Salari P and Abdollahi M, 2011. Behind the pathogenesis of osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases. J Pharmacol, 7, pp.552-67.

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  • Benítez-King G, Domínguez-Alonso A, Ramírez-Rodríguez G (2010) Neurocytoskeletal protective effect of melatonin: Importance for morpho-functional neuronal polarization. Open Neuroendocrinol J 3: 105-111.

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  • Ren Ping (2012) Study on intestinal management of fecal incontinence in children. Journal of Clinical Pediatric Surgery 2012: 302-305.

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  • Guruvaiah P, Arunachalam A and Velan LPT, 2012. Evaluation of phytochemical constituents and antioxidant activities of successive solvent extracts of leaves of Indigofera caerulea Roxb using various in vitro antioxidant assay systems. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease, 2, pp.S118-S123.

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  • Francipane MG, Lagasse E (2013) Selective targeting of human colon cancer stem-like cells by the mTOR inhibitor Torin-1. Oncotarget 4: 1948-1962.

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  • Syiem D, Sharma R and Saio V, 2009. In vitro study of the antioxidant potential of some traditionally used medicinal plants of North-East India and assessment of their total phenolic content. Pharmacologyonline, 3, pp.952-965.

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  • Jiménez-Rubio G, Solís-Chagoyán H, Domínguez-Alonso A, Benítez-King G (2011) Alteraciones del ciclo circadiano en las enfermedades psiquiátricas: papel sincronizador de la melatonina en el ciclo sueño-vigilia y la polaridad neuronal. Salud mental 34: 167-173.

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  • Ren Ping, Zhang Yuxia, Chen Jie, Wang Wei (2012) Advances in intestinal management of pseudo-fecal incontinence in children. Journal of Nursing Science: Comprehensive Edition 27: 88-91.

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  • Moravčík R, Okuliarová M, Kováčová E, Zeman M (2014) Diquat-induced cytotoxicity on Vero and HeLa cell lines: effect of melatonin and dihydromelatonin. Interdisciplinary toxicology 7: 184-188.

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  • Rahzani K, Malekirad AA, Zeraatpishe A, Hosseini N, Seify SMR, et al. 2013. Anti-oxidative stress activity of stachys lavandulifolia aqueous extract in human. Cell J. 2013; 14 (4): 314-317. Stachys lavandulifolia (S. lavandulifolia).

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  • Stead RL, Proud CG. Rapamycin enhances eIF4E phosphorylation by activating MAP kinase‐interacting kinase 2a (Mnk2a). FEBS letters 587: 2623-2628.

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  • Mohammadirad A, Aghamohammadali-Sarraf F, Badiei S, Faraji Z, Hajiaghaee R, et al.2013. Anti-aging effects of some selected Iranian folk medicinal herbs-biochemical evidences. Iranian journal of basic medical sciences, 16(11), p.1170.

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  • Benítez-King G, Valdés-Tovar M, Maya-Ampudia V, Jiménez-Rubio G, Domínguez-Alonso A, et al. (2013) La melatonina como un factor promotor de la diferenciación neuronal: implicaciones en el tratamiento de las demencias. Salud mental 36: 193-199.

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  • Cai Z, Chen G, He W, Xiao M, Yan LJ (2015) Activation of mTOR: a culprit of Alzheimer’s disease?. Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment 11: 1015.

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  • Hadzir SN, Ibrahim SN, Wahab RMA, Abidin IZZ, Senafi S, et al. 2014. Ascorbic acid induces osteoblast differentiation of human suspension mononuclear cells. Cytotherapy, 16(5), pp.674-682.

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  • Jiménez-Rubio G, Ugalde O, Ortiz-López L, Ramírez-Rodríguez G, Benítez-King G (2008) La melatonina: un coadyuvante potencial en el tratamiento de las demencias. Salud mental 31: 221-228.

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  • Lobo ML, Esteves F, de Sousa B, Cardoso F, Cushion MT, et al. (2013) Therapeutic potential of caspofungin combined with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole for Pneumocystis pneumonia: a pilot study in mice. PloS one. 8(8):e70619.
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  • Kornakiewicz A, Solarek W, F Bielecka Z, Lian F, Szczylik C, et al. (2013) Mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitors resistance mechanisms in clear cell renal cell carcinoma. Current signal transduction therapy 8: 210-218.

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  • Sharif PS and Abdollahi M, 2010. A systematic review on the relationship between β-blockers and bone health. Int J Pharmacol, 6(5), pp.577-583.

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  • Soto-Vázquez R, Labastida-López C, Romero-Castello S, Benítez-King G, Parra-Cervantes P (2016) Stimulation of dendrogenesis and neural maturation in adult mammals. Pharmaceutical patent analyst 5: 183-193.

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  • Winston DJ, Limaye AP, Pelletier S, Safdar N, Morris MI, et al. (2014) Randomized, Double‐Blind Trial of Anidulafungin Versus Fluconazole for Prophylaxis of Invasive Fungal Infections in High‐Risk Liver Transplant Recipients. American Journal of Transplantation. 14: 2758-2764.
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  • Salari P and Abdollahi M, 2014. The influence of pregnancy and lactation on maternal bone health: a systematic review. Journal of family & reproductive health, 8(4), pp.135-148.

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  • Li W, Chang J, Wang S, Liu X, Peng J, Huang D, Sun M, Chen Z, Zhang W, Guo W, Li J. miRNA-99b-5p suppresses liver metastasis of colorectal cancer by down-regulating mTOR. Oncotarget. 6: 24448.

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  • Calvo E, Pastor FJ, Mayayo E, Salas V, Guarro J (2011) In vitro activity and in vivo efficacy of anidulafungin in murine infections by Aspergillus flavus. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy. 55:1290-1292.
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  • Lavu H, Yeo CJ (2011) Metastatic renal cell carcinoma to the pancreas. Gastroenterol Hepatol (NY). 7: 699-700.

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  • Menichetti F (2009) Anidulafungin, a New Echinocandin. Drugs. 69:95-97.
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  • Benítez-King G, Valdés-Tovar M, Maya-Ampudia V, Jiménez-Rubio G, Domínguez-Alonso A, et al. (2013) Melatonin as a neuronal differentiation factor: therapeutic implications for dementia. Salud Mental 36:173-179.

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  • Jiménez Rubio G (2013) Participación de la melatonina en la organización de microfilamentos y microtúbulos: implicaciones en la memoria espacial de la rata.

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  • Wolff NC, Pavía-Jiménez A, Tcheuyap VT, Alexander S, Vishwanath M, et al. (2015) High-throughput simultaneous screen and counterscreen identifies homoharringtonine as synthetic lethal with von Hippel-Lindau loss in renal cell carcinoma. Oncotarget 6: 16951.

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  • Al Mosawi AJ (2007) The use of acacia gum in end stage renal failure. Journal of tropical pediatrics 53: 362-365.

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  • Al Mosawi AJ (2009) Six-year dialysis freedom in end-stage renal disease. Clinical and experimental nephrology 13: 494-500.

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  • Stukalin I, Alimohamed N, Heng DY (2016) Contemporary treatment of metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Oncology Reviews 10.

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  • Penticuff JC, Kyprianou N (2015) Therapeutic challenges in renal cell carcinoma. American journal of clinical and experimental urology 3: 77.

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  • Al Mosawi AJ (2008) Chronic Renal Failure in Iraqi Children: 14 Year Experience of A Single Center. Cancer Research and Oncology 1: 32-40.

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  • O’Callahan CM (2008) Section on. Newsletter.

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  • Azuma T, Matayoshi Y, Nagase Y, Oshi M (2012) Neutrophil number after interferon-alfa treatment is an independent predictive marker of overall survival in metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Clinical genitourinary cancer 10:180-184.

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  • Al-Mosawi AJ (2006) Scientific evidence.

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  • Stelloo S, Sanders J, Nevedomskaya E, de Jong J, Peters D, et al. (2016) Zwart W. mTOR pathway activation is a favorable prognostic factor in human prostate adenocarcinoma. Oncotarget. 7: 32916.

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  • Ziegler ME, Hatch MM, Wu N, Muawad SA, Hughes CC (2016) mTORC2 mediates CXCL12-induced angiogenesis. Angiogenesis 19: 359-371.

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  • Greef B, Eisen T (2016) Medical treatment of renal cancer: new horizons. British Journal of Cancer 115: 505-516.

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  • Cheung LW, Mills GB (2016) Targeting therapeutic liabilities engendered by PIK3R1 mutations for cancer treatment. Pharmacogenomics 17: 297-307.

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  • Weber H, Leal P, Stein S, Kunkel H, García P, Bizama C, et al. (2015) Rapamycin and WYE-354 suppress human gallbladder cancer xenografts in mice. Oncotarget 6: 31877.

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  • Hinchliffe RJ, Valk GD, Apelqvist J, Armstrong DG, Bakker K, et al. (2008) A systematic review of the effectiveness of interventions to enhance the healing of chronic ulcers of the foot in diabetes. Diabetes/metabolism research and reviews 24: S119-144.

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  • Hao J, Smith KA, Li SK (2009) Iontophoretically enhanced ciclopirox delivery into and across human nail plate. Journal of pharmaceutical sciences 98: 3608-3616.

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  • The proliferation of human colorectal cancer SW48 cells through the mTOR signaling pathway in the serum of Jianpi Jieyong Recipe (2016) Chinese Journal of Central South University (Natural Science Edition) Journal of Central South University (Medical Sciences) Medical Edition 41: 1128-36.

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  • Iorizzo M, Piraccini BM, Tosti A (2007) Nail cosmetics in nail disorders. Journal of cosmetic dermatology 6: 53-58.

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  • Riazalhosseini Y, Lathrop M (2016) Precision medicine from the renal cancer genome. Nature Reviews Nephrology.

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