Citations Report

Clinical Practice : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Clinical Practice have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world.

Clinical Practice has got h-index 29, which means every article in Clinical Practice has got 29 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Clinical Practice.

  2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016

Year wise published articles

50 27 55 66 38 13

Year wise citations received

494 462 352 277 260 226
Journal total citations count 3847
Journal impact factor 12.24
Journal 5 years impact factor 8.50
Journal cite score 10.62
Journal h-index 29
Journal h-index since 2018 21
Journal Impact Factor 2020 formula
IF= Citations(y)/{Publications(y-1)+ Publications(y-2)} Y= Year
Journal 5-year Impact Factor 2020 formula
Citations(2016 + 2017 + 2018 + 2019 + 2020)/
{Published articles(2016 + 2017 + 2018 + 2019 + 2020)}
Journal citescore
Citescorey = Citationsy + Citationsy-1 + Citationsy-2 + Citations y-3 / Published articlesy + Published articlesy-1 + Published articlesy-2 + Published articles y-3
  • Suner A, Carr BI, Akkiz H, Karakülah G, Üsküdar O, Yalç?n K, Kuran S, Tokat Y, Yilmaz S, Özakyol A, Tokmak S. C-reactive protein and platelet-lymphocyte ratio as potential tumor markers in low-alpha-fetoprotein hepatocellular carcinoma. Oncology. 2019;96(1):25-32. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Carr BI, Guerra V, Donghia R, Yilmaz SE. Trends in tumor indices in relation to increased hepatocellular carcinoma size: evidence for tumor evolution as a function of growth. Journal of Gastrointestinal Cancer. 2020 Dec;51(4):1215-9. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Akkiz H, Carr BI, Bag HG, Karao?ullar?ndan Ü, Yalç?n K, Ekin N, Özakyol A, Alt?nta? E, Balaban HY, ?im?ek H, Uyan?ko?lu A. Serum levels of inflammatory markers CRP, ESR and albumin in relation to survival for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. International Journal of Clinical Practice. 2021 Feb;75(2):e13593. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Rolfs W. Veränderung der Behandlung von Verbrennungen im Kindesalter durch Einführung neuer Materialien am Universitätsklinikum des Saarlandes über einen Zeitraum von 12 Jahren: eine retrospektive Analyze der Behandlungsverläufe. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Hart PC, Rajab IM, Alebraheem M, Potempa LA. C-Reactive Protein and Cancer—Diagnostic and Therapeutic Insights. Frontiers in Immunology. 2020;11. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Osmokrovi? A. Razvoj novih antimkrobnih kompozita za medicinsku pripremu u terapiji frog. ??????????? ? ????????. 2018 Sep 28. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Ipek T. Dry eye and cataract surgery. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Bashandy SA, Ahmed-Farid OA, Moussa SA, Omara EA, Jaleel GA, Ibrahim FA. Efficacy of zinc oxide nanoparticles on HCC-induced biochemical and trace element alterations in rats. J Appl Pharm Sci. 2021;11(05):108-17. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Siegel S, Noblett K, Mangel J, Bennett J, Griebling TL, Sutherland SE, Bird ET, Comiter C, Culkin D, Zylstra S, Kan F. Five-year followup results of a prospective, multicenter study of patients with overactive bladder treated with sacral neuromodulation. The Journal of urology. 2018 Jan;199(1):229-36. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Carr BI, Guerra V, Donghia R. Portal Vein Thrombosis and Markers of Inflammation in Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Journal of Gastrointestinal Cancer. 2020 Dec;51(4):1141-7. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Manns K, Khan A, Carlson KV, Wagg A, Baverstock RJ, Trafford Crump R. The use of onabotulinumtoxinA to treat idiopathic overactive bladder in elderly patients is in need of study. Neurourology and Urodynamics. 2021 Oct 7. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Chan P, Marchand M, Yoshida K, Vadhavkar S, Wang N, Lin A, Wu B, Ballinger M, Sternheim N, Jin JY, Bruno R. Prediction of overall survival in patients across solid tumors following atezolizumab treatments: A tumor growth inhibition–overall survival modeling framework. CPT: pharmacometrics & systems pharmacology. 2021 Oct;10(10):1171-82. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Carr BI, Guerra V, Donghia R, Yilmaz SE. Tumor multifocality and serum albumin levels can identify groups of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma and portal vein thrombosis having distinct survival outcomes. Annals of Medicine and Surgery. 2021 Jun 1;66:102458. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Carr BI, Ince V, Bag HG, Usta S, Ersan V, Isik B, Yilmaz S. CRP is a superior and prognostically significant inflammation biomarker for hepatocellular cancer patients treated by liver transplantation. Clinical practice (London, England). 2021;18(2):1626. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Scarneciu I, Lupu S, Bratu OG, Teodorescu A, Maxim LS, Brinza A, Laculiceanu AG, Rotaru RM, Lupu AM, Scarneciu CC. Overactive bladder: A review and update. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine. 2021 Dec 1; 22 (6): 1-8. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Ghanta MK, Khan AK, Bhaskar LV. Diagnostic and Prognostic Implications of Cardiac Markers for Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Critical Reviews™ in Oncogenesis. 2021;26(1). View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Ghanta MK, Khan AK, Bhaskar LV. Diagnostic and Prognostic Implications of Cardiac Markers for Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Critical Reviews™ in Oncogenesis. 2021;26(1). View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Carr BI, Akkiz H, Guerra V, Üsküdar O, Kuran S, Karao?ullar?ndan Ü, Tokmak S, Ball? T, Ülkü A, Akçam T, Delik A. C-reactive protein and hepatocellular carcinoma: analysis of its relationships to tumor factors. Clinical practice (London, England). 2018;15(Spec Issue):625. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • ÜSKÜDAR O, KURAN S, TOKMAK S, BALLI H, ÜLKÜ A, AKÇAM A, ARSLAN B, DORAN F, YALÇIN K, ALTINTA? E, ÖZAKYOL A. C-reactive protein and hepatocellular carcinoma: analysis of its relationships to tumor factors. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Liang Xiumei, Zhou Zihan, Lin Qiuling, Zhou Xianguo, Liu Yingchun, Wen Qiuping, Xiang Bangde, Yu Hongping. The difference and clinical significance of humoral immunity and cellular immunity in patients with different stages of hepatocellular carcinoma in Barcelona. Chinese Journal of Cancer Prevention and Treatment. 2020 Jul 13;12( 3): 335-40. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Suner A, Carr BI. Platelet-to-lymphocyte and neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratios predict tumor size and survival in HCC patients: Retrospective study. Annals of Medicine and Surgery. 2020 Oct 1;58:167-71. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Pekova L, Parusheva P, Mitev M, Dochev I, Naydenov C. A rare case of an HIV-seronegative patient with Toxoplasma gondii meningoencephalitis. IDCases. 2021 Jan 1;26:e01271. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Adem F, Tasew A, Ammas Siraj MM. Treatment Outcomes and Associated Factors among Children Hospitalized with Acute Bacterial Meningitis in Eastern Ethiopia: A Cross-Sectional Study. Patient Related Outcome Measures. 2020;11:241. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Mahmoudinezhad Dezfouli SM, Khosravi S. Impact of Meningitis on Cognitive Skills and Development in Children.. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology. 2021 Jan 1;15(1). View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Schünemann HJ, Cushman M, Burnett AE, Kahn SR, Beyer-Westendorf J, Spencer FA, Rezende SM, Zakai NA, Bauer KA, Dentali F, Lansing J. American Society of Hematology 2018 guidelines for management of venous thromboembolism: prophylaxis for hospitalized and nonhospitalized medical patients. Blood advances. 2018 Nov 27;2(22):3198-225. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Cai Y, Jiang X, Dai W, Yu Q. In-hospital Mortality Prediction among Patients with Fractures of Pelvis and Acetabulum in Intensive Care Unit: Machine Learning versus Conventional System. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Lyman GH, Carrier M, Ay C, Di Nisio M, Hicks LK, Khorana AA, Leavitt AD, Lee AY, Macbeth F, Morgan RL, Noble S. American Society of Hematology 2021 guidelines for management of venous thromboembolism: prevention and treatment in patients with cancer. Blood advances. 2021 Feb 23;5(4):927-74. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • MOHAMMAD FD, AHMAD A, MOHAMMAD M, ALY A. Role of Multidetector Computed Tomography with Three Dimension Reconstruction in Evaluation of Pelvic Fractures. The Medical Journal of Cairo University. 2019 Sep 1;87(September):3015-2019. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Loffredo L, Arienti V, Vidili G, Cogliati C, Battaglia S, Perri L, Di Giulio R, Bernardini S, Summa ML, Sciacqua A, Perticone F. Low rate of intrahospital deep venous thrombosis in acutely ill medical patients: results from the AURELIO study. InMayo Clinic Proceedings 2019 Jan 1 (Vol. 94, No. 1, pp. 37-43). Elsevier. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • CARE CO. Extending the Pharmacist's Knowledge: Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis in Acutely Ill Medical Patients. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Maksimov IB, Fesenko MA, Sinopalnikov VI, Diashev AN. Telemetry control when assessing the working capacity of workers in the transport industry. Occupational medicine and industrial ecology. 2021; 61 (3): 191-6. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Hassan H, Zulkifli MS, Suhaime MA, Kaidi HM, Bakar RA. A Real-Time Non-Contact Heart Rate Measurement based on Imaging Photoplethysmography (iPPG)-Power Spectral Density (PSD). In2021 IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics & Applications (ISIEA) 2021 Jul 10 (pp. 1-6). IEEE. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Fedorovich AA, Gorshkov AYu, Drapkina OM. Modern possibilities of non-invasive research and remote monitoring of capillary blood flow in human skin. Regional blood circulation and microcirculation. 2020 Dec 24; 19 (4): 87-91. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Ali JM, Vuylsteke A, Fowles JA, Pettit S, Salaunkey K, Bhagra S, Lewis C, Parameshwar J, Kydd A, Patvardhan C, Jones N. Transfer of patients with cardiogenic shock using veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Journal of cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia. 2020 Feb 1;34(2):374-82. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Geer EB, Sisco J, Adelman DT, Ludlam WH, Haviv A, Gelbaum D, Liu S, Mathias SD, Shi L. Observed discordance between outcomes reported by acromegaly patients and their treating endocrinology medical provider. Pituitary. 2020 Apr;23(2):140-8. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Rafiq MU, Kovzel M, Ali JM. Ocular hypotonia following pulmonary endarterectomy. European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. 2020 May 1;57(5):1001-2. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Rafiq MU, Kovzel M, Ali JM. Ocular hypotonia following pulmonary endarterectomy. European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. 2020 May 1;57(5):1001-2. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Adelman DT, Van Genechten D, Megret CM, Thanh XM, Hand P, Martin WA. Co-creation of a lanreotide autogel/depot syringe for the treatment of acromegaly and neuroendocrine tumours through collaborative human factor studies. Advances in therapy. 2019 Dec;36(12):3409-23. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Yedinak C. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Secreting Adenoma (TSHoma). InAdvanced Practice in Endocrinology Nursing 2019 (pp. 335-342). Springer, Cham. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Lack S, Brown R, Kinser PA. An integrative review of yoga and mindfulness-based approaches for children and adolescents with asthma. Journal of pediatric nursing. 2020 May 1;52:76-81. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Neggers S, Badiu C, Biagetti B, Durand-Gasselin L, Petit A, Petrossians P, Regnault B, Rich D, Shafigullina Z, Shustov S, Vydrych A. Pharmacological and safety profile of a prolonged-release lanreotide formulation in acromegaly. Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology. 2021 Dec 2(just-accepted). View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Lack S, Kinser PA. The modification of three vulnerability theories to assist nursing practice for school?age children with severe asthma. Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing. 2020 Apr;25(2):e12280. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Mathur M, Pletta K, Kerr BR, Eickhoff J, Puett R, Moreno MA. Parents’ Acceptance of Learning about Mindfulness for Managing Pediatric Asthma. Children. 2020 Dec;7(12):262. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Parvanova A, Kamusheva M, Dimitrova M. Rollata for pharmacist in optimiraneto and monitoring for therapy for a patient with acromegaly. Siratsi medicines are also rare. 2020 Oct 16; 11 (3): 22-31. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Erawijantari PP, Mizutani S, Shiroma H, Shiba S, Nakajima T, Sakamoto T, Saito Y, Fukuda S, Yachida S, Yamada T. Influence of gastrectomy for gastric cancer treatment on faecal microbiome and metabolome profiles. Gut. 2020 Aug 1;69(8):1404-15. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Alshammari MM, Alkhudhairy MK, Soghi AA. Prevalence of aminoglycoside modifying enzyme genes in Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from Burn Centers in Iraq. Drug Inventi. 2019 Dec 1. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Ahmed OB, Asghar AH, Bahwerth FS. Increasing frequency of Aminoglycoside-Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae during the era of pandemic COVID-19. Materials Today: Proceedings. 2021 May 21. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Ahmed OB, Asghar AH, Bahwerth FS, Assaggaf HM, Bamaga MA. The prevalence of aminoglycoside-resistant genes in Gram-negative bacteria in tertiary hospitals. Applied Nanoscience. 2021 May 17:1-7. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Hosu MC, Vasaikar S, Okuthe GE, Apalata T. Molecular Detection of Antibiotic-Resistant Genes in Pseudomonas aeruginosa from Nonclinical Environment: Public Health Implications in Mthatha, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. International Journal of Microbiology. 2021 Jan 5;2021. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing