Citations Report

Clinical Practice : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Clinical Practice have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world.

Clinical Practice has got h-index 29, which means every article in Clinical Practice has got 29 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Clinical Practice.

  2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016

Year wise published articles

50 27 55 66 38 13

Year wise citations received

494 462 352 277 260 226
Journal total citations count 3847
Journal impact factor 12.24
Journal 5 years impact factor 8.50
Journal cite score 10.62
Journal h-index 29
Journal h-index since 2018 21
Journal Impact Factor 2020 formula
IF= Citations(y)/{Publications(y-1)+ Publications(y-2)} Y= Year
Journal 5-year Impact Factor 2020 formula
Citations(2016 + 2017 + 2018 + 2019 + 2020)/
{Published articles(2016 + 2017 + 2018 + 2019 + 2020)}
Journal citescore
Citescorey = Citationsy + Citationsy-1 + Citationsy-2 + Citations y-3 / Published articlesy + Published articlesy-1 + Published articlesy-2 + Published articles y-3
  • Bagheri Z, Ghoreishi R, Daneshpoor Z, Mohebi S. Sleep Quality of Multiple Sclerosis Patients in Qom, Iran, in 2018. Archives of Hygiene Sciences. 2019 Dec 10;8(4):259-65. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Ahmadian L, Norouzi Bazgir Z, Ahanjan M, Valadan R, Goli HR. Role of Aminoglycoside-Modifying Enzymes (AMEs) in Resistance to Aminoglycosides among Clinical Isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the North of Iran. BioMed research international. 2021 Aug 21;2021. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Sánchez Rentería M. Determinación de genes de resistencia a aminoglucósidos y quinolonas y bombas de expulsión en Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Bachelor's thesis). View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Stekhin AA, Tatarinov VV, Yakovleva GV. Exchange electronic interactions as the main factor of maintaining the sustainability of organism homeostasis. InIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 2021 Sep 1 (Vol. 864, No. 1, p. 012008). IOP Publishing. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Stekhin AA, Pyanzina IP, Yakovleva GV, Minin IV, Karasev AK. EXCHANGE ELECTRONIC INTERACTIONS AS A MAIN FACTOR OF MAINTAINING THE STABILITY OF BODY HOMEOSTASIS. InPhysics and radioelectronics in medicine and ecology-FREME'2020 2020 (pp. 331-333). View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Loginov SI, Kintyukhin AS, Snigirev AS. STOCHASTIC AND CHAOTIC EVALUATIONS OF WALKING CADENCY: BIOMECHANICAL, AGE AND GENDER-RELATED ASSOCIATIONS. InXIV International Scientific Conference “Physics and Radioelectronics in Medicine and Ecology – FREME'2020” –Vladimir-Suzdal, Russia, Reports, Book 2. ISBN 978-5-905527-38-8 2020 Jul 1 (p. 331). View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Koren D, Dumin M, Gozal D. Role of sleep quality in the metabolic syndrome. Diabetes, metabolic syndrome and obesity: targets and therapy. 2016;9:281. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Crnko S, Du Pré BC, Sluijter JP, Van Laake LW. Circadian rhythms and the molecular clock in cardiovascular biology and disease. Nature Reviews Cardiology. 2019 Jul;16(7):437-47. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Koren D, Taveras EM. Association of sleep disturbances with obesity, insulin resistance and the metabolic syndrome. Metabolism. 2018 Jul 1;84:67-75. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Masters A, Pandi-Perumal SR, Seixas A, Girardin JL, McFarlane SI. Melatonin, the hormone of darkness: from sleep promotion to ebola treatment. Brain disorders & therapy. 2014;4(1). View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Peltzer K, Pengpid S. Sleep duration, sleep quality, body mass index, and waist circumference among young adults from 24 low-and middle-income and two high-income countries. International journal of environmental research and public health. 2017 Jun;14(6):566. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Seixas AA, Vallon J, Barnes-Grant A, Butler M, Langford AT, Grandner MA, Schneeberger AR, Huthchinson J, Zizi F, Jean-Louis G. Mediating effects of body mass index, physical activity, and emotional distress on the relationship between short sleep and cardiovascular disease. Medicine. 2018 Sep;97(37). View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Rae DE, Pienaar PR, Henst RH, Roden LC, Goedecke JH. Associations between long self-reported sleep, obesity and insulin resistance in a cohort of premenopausal black and white South African women. Sleep Health. 2018 Dec 1;4(6):558-64. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Rae DE, Pienaar PR, Henst RH, Roden LC, Goedecke JH. Associations between long self-reported sleep, obesity and insulin resistance in a cohort of premenopausal black and white South African women. Sleep Health. 2018 Dec 1;4(6):558-64. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Stein R, Ometa O. When public health crises collide: Social disparities and COVID-19. Authorea Preprints. 2020 May 5. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Wright N, Akinyemiju T, Subhedar P, Rida P, Aneja R. Targeting risk factors for reducing the racially disparate burden in breast cancer. Front Biosci. 2019 Mar 1;11:136-60. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Covassin N, Greene EL, Singh P, Somers VK. Disparities in hypertension among African-Americans: implications of insufficient sleep. Current hypertension reports. 2018 Jul;20(7):1-0. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Henst RH. A sleep behaviour intervention to improve cardiometabolic health in adults with overweight and obesity. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Vladimir?Kneževi? S, Blažekovi? B, Štefan MB, Kindl M. Phytochemical Aspects and Therapeutic Perspective of Cannabinoids in Cancer Treatment. Natural Products and Cancer Drug Discovery. 2017 Jul 5:111. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Elliott LD. School Nurses’ Attitudes and Knowledge Deficits about Medical Marijuana Administration in School: An Exploratory-Descriptive Study (Doctoral dissertation, University of Phoenix). View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Elliott LD. School Nurses’ Attitudes and Knowledge Deficits about Medical Marijuana Administration in School: An Exploratory-Descriptive Study (Doctoral dissertation, University of Phoenix). View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Siklos-Whillans J, Bacchus A, Manwell LA. A Scoping Review of the Use of Cannabis and Its Extracts as Potential Harm Reduction Strategies: Insights from Preclinical and Clinical Research. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. 2020 Mar 5:1-24. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Stallworth DA. Pediatric Healthcare Organizational Leaders' Experience of Conflict About Medical Marijuana (Doctoral dissertation, Northcentral University). View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Vuoriluoto M, Orelma H, Lundahl M, Borghei M, Rojas OJ. Filaments with affinity binding and wet strength can be achieved by spinning bifunctional cellulose nanofibrils. Biomacromolecules. 2017 Jun 12;18(6):1803-13. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • De Micheli G. Cyber-medical systems: Requirements, components and design examples. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers. 2017 May 6;64(9):2226-36. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • De Micheli G. Cyber-medical systems: Requirements, components and design examples. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers. 2017 May 6;64(9):2226-36. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • De Micheli G. E-health: From sensors to systems. In2015 Transducers-2015 18th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS) 2015 Jun 21 (pp. 3-6). IEEE. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Hached S, Garon A, Loutochin O, Corcos J, Sawan M. Smart Artificial Urinary Sphincter: Preserving Organs and Patient’s Quality of Life. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Suner A, Carr BI, Akkiz H, Karakülah G, Üsküdar O, Yalç?n K, Kuran S, Tokat Y, Yilmaz S, Özakyol A, Tokmak S. C-reactive protein and platelet-lymphocyte ratio as potential tumor markers in low-alpha-fetoprotein hepatocellular carcinoma. Oncology. 2019;96(1):25-32. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Ince V, Carr BI, Bag HG, Koc C, Usta S, Ersan V, Baskiran A, Sahin TT, Yilmaz S. Gamma glutamyl transpeptidase as a prognostic biomarker in hepatocellular cancer patients especially with> 5 cm tumors, treated by liver transplantation. The International Journal of Biological Markers. 2020 Jun;35(2):91-5. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Ali OM, El Amin HA, Sharkawy YL, Ali AA, Kholef EF, Elsewify WA. Golgi Protein 73 versus Alpha-Fetoprotein as a New Biomarker in Early Diagnosis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. International journal of general medicine. 2020;13:193. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Baldi GG, Orbach D, Bertulli R, Magni C, Sironi G, Casanova M, Ferrari A. Standard treatment and emerging drugs for managing synovial sarcoma: adult’s and pediatric oncologist perspective. Expert opinion on emerging drugs. 2019 Jan 2;24(1):43-53. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Bhutiani N, O'Brien SJ, Priddy EE, Egger ME, Hong YK, Mercer MK, McMasters KM, Martin RC, Potts MH, Scoggins CR. Correlating serum alpha-fetoprotein in hepatocellular carcinoma with response to Yttrium-90 transarterial radioembolization with glass microspheres (TheraSphere™). HPB. 2020 Sep 1;22(9):1330-8. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Khan Y, Carey?Smith R, Taylor M, Woodhouse J, Jacques A, Wood D, Long A. Treatment and outcomes for synovial sarcoma patients in Western Australia: the role of neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy. Cancer Reports. 2020 Dec;3(6):e1268. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Ashokachakkaravarthy K, Pottakkat B. Mitotic quiescence in hepatic cancer stem cells: An incognito mode. Oncology reviews. 2020 Feb 18;14(1). View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Jensen C, Nielsen SH, Eslam M, Genovese F, Nielsen MJ, Vongsuvanh R, Uchila R, van der Poorten D, George J, Karsdal MA, Leeming DJ. Cross-linked multimeric pro-peptides of Type III collagen (PC3X) in hepatocellular carcinoma–a biomarker that provides additional prognostic value in AFP positive patients. Journal of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. 2020;7:301. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Akkiz H, Carr BI, Bag HG, Karao?ullar?ndan Ü, Yalç?n K, Ekin N, Özakyol A, Alt?nta? E, Balaban HY, ?im?ek H, Uyan?ko?lu A. Serum levels of inflammatory markers CRP, ESR and albumin in relation to survival for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. International Journal of Clinical Practice. 2021 Feb;75(2):e13593. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Sadik NA, Ahmed NR, Mohamed MF, Ashoush OA. Serum vascular endothelial growth factor in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma and its validity as a tumor biomarker. The Open Biomarkers Journal. 2019 Dec 31;9(1). View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • McGuire A, Anderson D. Yoga and acupuncture versus “sham” treatments for menopausal hot flashes: how do they compare?. Menopause. 2019 Apr 1;26(4):337. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Gomaa SH, Abaza MM, Elattar HA, Amin GA, Elshahawy DM. Soluble cluster of differentiation 26/soluble dipeptidyl peptidase-4 and glypican-3 are promising serum biomarkers for the early detection of Hepatitis C virus related hepatocellular carcinoma in Egyptians. Arab Journal of Gastroenterology. 2020 Dec 1;21(4):224-32. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Nikolova D. Alpha Fetoprotein and Hepatocellular Carcinoma-An Opinion. Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research. 2019;12(5):9555-6. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Zheng S, Lyu TJ, Li Z, Gu H, Yang X, Wang C, Li H, Jiang Y, Shen H, Wang Y. GRP per capita and hospital characteristics associated with intravenous tissue plasminogen activator adherence rate: evidence from the Chinese Stroke Center Alliance. Stroke and Vascular Neurology. 2021 Jan 9:svn-2020. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Leeming DJ, Nielsen SH, Vongsuvanh R, Uchila P, Nielsen MJ, Reese-Petersen AL, der Poorten DV, Eslam M, Schuppan D, Karsdal MA, George J. Endotrophin, a pro-peptide of Type VI collagen, is a biomarker of survival in cirrhotic patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatic oncology. 2021 Jun;8(2):HEP32. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Copland M. Is there a role for dose modification of TKI therapy in CML?. Current hematologic malignancy reports. 2019 Aug;14(4):337-45. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Suceveanu AI, Micu IS, Baltatescu GI, Petcu LC, Dobrin N, Brinzan C, Nitipir C, Mazilu L, Botea F, Herlea V, Voinea F. Overexpression of Survivin?1, TAG?72 and HERC5 in patients diagnosed with hepatocellular carcinoma in the Black Sea coast geographical area. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine. 2021 Mar 1;21(3):1-. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Iurlo A, Cattaneo D, Bucelli C, Breccia M. Dose Optimization of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia: A New Therapeutic Challenge. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2021 Jan;10(3):515. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Gupta R, Kleinjans J, Caiment F. Identifying novel transcript biomarkers for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) using RNA-Seq datasets and machine learning. BMC cancer. 2021 Dec;21(1):1-5. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Jin YJ, Aycheh HM, Han S, Chamberlin J, Shin J, Byun S, Lee Y. Differential alternative splicing between hepatocellular carcinoma with normal and elevated serum alpha-fetoprotein. BMC medical genomics. 2020 Dec;13(11):1-1. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Akbulut S, Sahin TT. Comment on experience with LDLT in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma and portal vein tumor thrombosis postdownstaging. International Journal of Surgery Case Reports. 2020;74:36. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Rashamuse TJ, Harrison AT, Mosebi S, van Vuuren S, Coyanis EM, Bode ML. Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of imidazole and oxazole fragments as HIV-1 integrase-LEDGF/p75 disruptors and inhibitors of microbial pathogens. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry. 2020 Jan 1;28(1):115210. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing