Articles in press and Articles in process
Editorialp. 07
Editorial on Hypertension & Healthcare
Abstractp. 08
ARB/ACE I usage in covid 19 patients for hypertension management
Author(s): Faraz Farishta
Abstractp. 09
The phenomenon of the COVID 19 pandemic against the background of its era
Author(s): Bohdan W. Wasilewski
Review Articlep. 3
Carnitine Shuttle System Disruption by Ischemic Stroke
Author(s): Aleksandra Gomez
Review Articlep. 8
Endogenous Neurogenesis and Chinese Medicine's Therapeutic Potential: A Potential Stroke Treatment Candidate
Author(s): Abu Ahmed
Perspectivep. 275-276
Transdisciplinarity: A Holistic Approach to Complex Problems
Author(s): Yijun Suo
Perspectivep. 279-280
Interdisciplinarity: Bridging Knowledge for Innovation and Problem-Solving
Author(s): Viturv Tripathi
Perspectivep. 281-282
Cryptogenic Stroke: An Elusive Mystery in Cerebrovascular Medicine
Author(s): Liang Ma
Perspectivep. 283-284
Brain Stem Stroke: A Complex Neurological Event
Author(s): Erin D. Wieruszewski
Perspectivep. 285-286
Understanding Aneurysms: Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment
Author(s): Joseph J Gemmete
Perspectivep. 287-288
Central Pain Syndrome: A Complex Neurological Disorder
Author(s): Asif Rashid*
Perspectivep. 289-290
Ischemic Penumbra: A Critical Window for Stroke Intervention
Author(s): Behzad Rahmati
Perspectivep. 291-292
Transient Ischemic Attack: A Brief but Critical Warning Sign
Author(s): Susan Miles
Perspectivep. 293-294
Stroke Rehabilitation: Path to Recovery and Independence
Author(s): David Cavazos
Review Articlep. 295-299
Malfunction of Blood Brain Barrier in Ischemic Stroke
Author(s): Jalal Thomson*
Mini Reviewp. 300-304
Neuroinflammation in Cerebral Ischemia and Ischemia/Reperfusion Wounds: From Pathophysiology to Remedial Methodologies
Author(s): Liu Yang*