Welcome to the Journal
Neonatal Studies Journal is a specialized open access international journal providing an open access forum for academics, amateurs, clinical professionals and students who are involved in contributing their findings in this field.
The Journal offers scientific work thoroughly reviewed as research articles, review articles, case studies, commentaries, short communication and letters to the editors in fields such as Neonatology, Perinatology, Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU’s), Neonatal Nursing, Vaccination and Immunization, Congenital Malformations & Birth Complications, Neonatal Genetics, Neonatal Nutrition, Neonatal Neurology, Neonatal Cardiology, Neonatal Gastroenterology, Neonatal Oncology, Neonatal Endocrinology, Neonatal Surgery, Neonatal Rheumatology, Neonatal Cancer, Neonatal Diseases & Disorders and many more.
Our main aim is to provide, specialists, neonatal physicians, technologists, nurses and anyone who is professionally involved in Neonatology with an opportunity in contributing their scientific research work and to be explored about the complexity of the diseases in this field, and to discuss interventional procedures, look at new and advanced Neonatal care and their efficiency and efficacy in the treatment of various cases, and understand local realities & practical constraints in improving patient-care.
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Articles published in Journal of Neonatal Studies have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Neonatal Studies has got h-index 1 , which means every article in Journal of Neonatal Studies has got 1 average citations.
Recently Published Articles
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Rwandan National Neonatal Protocol: Ensuring Quality Care for Newborns
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Retinopathy of Prematurity: A Comprehensive Insight
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Genetic Syndromes in Newborns: A Comprehensive Overview
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