Abdominal Trauma

 Abdominal trauma is an harm to the stomach. Signs and symptoms include stomach pain, tenderness, rigidity, and bruising of the out of doors belly. Complications can also additionally embody blood loss and contamination. Diagnosis can also contain ultrasonography, computed tomography, and peritoneal lavage, and treatment also can involve surgical remedy. It is split into two sorts blunt or penetrating and may contain damage to the stomach organs.Injury to the lower chest can also motive splenic or liver injuries. Signs and signs and symptoms aren't visible in early days and after some days initial ache is seen. People injured in motor automobile collisions may gift with a "seat belt sign", bruising on the stomach along the website of the lap a part of the safety belt; this signal is associated with a excessive fee of harm to the stomach organs. Seatbelts might also reason abrasions and hematomas; as lots as 30 percent of human beings with such symptoms have associated inner accidents. Early signs of stomach trauma consist of nausea, vomiting, blood within the urine, and fever. The damage can also gift with stomach ache, tenderness distension, or stress to touch, and bowel sounds can be diminished or absent. Abdominal guarding is a tensing of the stomach wall muscle groups to protect inflamed organs inside the stomach. Pneumoperitoneum, air or gas inside the belly hollow space, may be an illustration of rupture of a hole organ. In penetrating injuries, an evisceration (protrusion of inner organs out of a wound) can be gift.

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