
Adolescence, transitional phase of growth and development between childhood and adulthood. the planet Health Organization (WHO) defines a teenager as a person between ages 10 and 19. This age range falls within WHO’s definition of children , which refers to individuals between ages 10 and 24.In many societies, however, adolescence is narrowly equated with puberty and therefore the cycle of physical changes culminating in reproductive maturity. In other societies adolescence is known in broader terms that encompass psychological, social, and moral terrain also because the strictly physical aspects of maturation. In these societies the term adolescence typically refers to the amount between ages 12 and 20 and is roughly like the word teens.During  adolescence, problems with emotional (if not physical) separation from parents arise. While this sense of separation may be a necessary step within the establishment of private values, the transition to self-sufficiency forces an array of adjustments upon many adolescents. Furthermore, teenagers seldom have clear roles of their own in society but instead occupy an ambiguous period between childhood and adulthood. During adolescence, problems with emotional (if not physical) separation from parents arise. While this sense of separation may be a necessary step within the establishment of private values, the transition to self-sufficiency forces an array of adjustments upon many adolescents. Furthermore, teenagers seldom have clear roles of their own in society but instead occupy an ambiguous period between childhood and adulthood. These issues most frequently define adolescence in Western cultures, and therefore the response to them partly determines the character of an individual’s adult years. Also during adolescence, the individual experiences an upsurge of sexual feelings following the latent sexuality of childhood. it's during adolescence that the individual learns to regulate and direct sexual urges.    

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