Ankle Sprain

A sprained ankle is an injury that happens once you roll, twist or turn your ankle in a clumsy way.A sprained ankle is an injury to one or more ligaments in the ankle. Although self-care measures and over-the-counter pain medications could also be all you would like , a medical evaluation could be necessary to reveal how badly you've sprained your ankle and to work out the appropriate treatment. Your ankle connects your foot together with your lower leg.They can be very painful, and severe sprains can require months of recovery. A sprained ankle is when one among these ligaments is stretched too far or torn. Anything that stretches your ankle more than it’s used to can hurt a ligament. This usually happens when your foot is turned inward or twisted, like once you . Certain people are more likely to sprain their ankles. Women, children, and teenagers tend to have more sprains. You might also be at higher risk if you: • Play sports, especially on an indoor court • Have balance problems • Wear high heels or shoes that don’t fit well

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