Behavioral Science
Behavioral science, any of the many fields concerned with the topic of human acts, typically includes the areas of sociology, social and cultural anthropology, psychology, and behavioral aspects of biology,
economics , geography, law, psychiatry, and political science. In the United States the word gained currency in the 1950s; it is sometimes used synonymously with "social sciences," though some writers differentiate between them. The term
behavioral sciences implies a more scientific approach than what the older term social sciences connotes.
Open Access publications are an valuable source of knowledge for young and aspiring generations who are keen to look for a science career. This system allows for easy access to scientific journal systems. This journal welcomes original
articles on all topics, mini reviews, opinions, scholarly reviews, short communications and editorials.
High Impact List of Articles
FMZ-PET to assess the efficacy and the mechanism of ketogenic diet in patients with
intractable epilepsy
Ryuichi Nishii*, Toshinori Hirai, Tatsuya Fujii, Tomohiro Kumada, Tatsuya Higashi, Shinya Kagawa, Yoshihiko Kishibe, Masaaki Takahashi, Hiroshi Yamauchi, Chio Okuyama & Shigeki Nagamachi
Research Article: Imaging in Medicine
FMZ-PET to assess the efficacy and the mechanism of ketogenic diet in patients with
intractable epilepsy
Ryuichi Nishii*, Toshinori Hirai, Tatsuya Fujii, Tomohiro Kumada, Tatsuya Higashi, Shinya Kagawa, Yoshihiko Kishibe, Masaaki Takahashi, Hiroshi Yamauchi, Chio Okuyama & Shigeki Nagamachi
Research Article: Imaging in Medicine
Acute achilles tendon rupture sustained
during exertional squash play
Mohamud A Verjee
Case Report: Imaging in Medicine
Acute achilles tendon rupture sustained
during exertional squash play
Mohamud A Verjee
Case Report: Imaging in Medicine
Computer-aided diagnosis in digital mammography: comparison of two commercial systems
Donato Cascio, Francesco Fauci, Marius Iacomi, Giuseppe Raso, Rosario Magro, Debora Castrogiovanni, Guido Filosto, Raffaele Ienzi & Maria Simone Vasile
Research Article: Imaging in Medicine
Computer-aided diagnosis in digital mammography: comparison of two commercial systems
Donato Cascio, Francesco Fauci, Marius Iacomi, Giuseppe Raso, Rosario Magro, Debora Castrogiovanni, Guido Filosto, Raffaele Ienzi & Maria Simone Vasile
Research Article: Imaging in Medicine
Central effects of cholinesterase
in Alzheimers
insights from advanced
A Venneri & MF Shanks
Review Article: Imaging in Medicine
Central effects of cholinesterase
in Alzheimers
insights from advanced
A Venneri & MF Shanks
Review Article: Imaging in Medicine
Diffusion tensor MRI as a biomarker in axonal and myelin damage
WY Aung, S Mar & TLS Benzinger
Review Article: Imaging in Medicine
Diffusion tensor MRI as a biomarker in axonal and myelin damage
WY Aung, S Mar & TLS Benzinger
Review Article: Imaging in Medicine
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