
 Cells are the essential building blocks of living things. The physical body consists of trillions of cells, all with their own specialised function. ·       Cells are the essential structures of all living organisms. ·       Cells provide structure for the body, absorb nutrients from food and perform important functions. ·       Cells group together to form tissues?, which successively group together to make organs?, such as the heart and brain. ·       Our cells contain a number of functional structures called organelles These organelles perform tasks like making proteins?, processing chemicals and generating energy for the cell. The nucleus is based at the centre of the cell and is that the ‘control room’ for the cell. The genome is found within the nucleus. Cells are considered the essential units of life partially because they are available in discrete and simply recognizable packages. That's because all cells are surrounded by a structure called the cell wall — which, very similar to the walls of a house, is a transparent boundary between the cell's internal and external environments. The cell wall is usually also mentioned because the cell wall. Cell membranes are supported a framework of fat-based molecules called phospholipids, which physically prevent water-loving, or hydrophilic, substances from entering or escaping the cell. These membranes also are studded with proteins that serve various functions

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