Fungal Strains

Fungal strains inside the Trichoderma genus include a huge spectrum of genetic solutions ranging from very soil fertility colonizers with high biodegradation possibility to non-strict plant symbiotics that repopulate the rhizosphere. A few other groups of morphotypes within this conglomerate are able to antagonize phytopathogenic fungi by using the main mechanisms of substrate colonization, antibiosis and/or mycoparasitism. This antagonistic ability is the foundation for the successful use of specific Trichoderma varieties as an alternative to synthetic regulation against a broad range of fungal plant pathogens. Trichoderma biocontrol mutants have evolved various pathways for both targeting other fungi and promoting plant and root development. The invasion of the root system by the rhizosphere capable strains of Trichoderma leads to an improvement in the growth of root and/or aerial systems and agricultural production

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