
 An insulinoma is a minor tumor in the pancreas that produces an extra quantity of insulin. In most cases, the tumor isn’t cancerous. Most insulinomas are less than 2 centimeters in diameter. The pancreas is an endocrine organ located behind your stomach. One of its purposes is to produce hormones that switch the level of sugar in your bloodstream, such as insulin. Normally, the pancreas stops generating insulin when your blood sugar drops too low. This consents your blood sugar levels to return to normal. When an insulinoma forms in your pancreas, however, it will endure to produce insulin, even when your blood sugar is too low. This can lead to severe hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar. Hypoglycemia is a hazardous condition that can cause blurred vision, lightheadedness, and unconsciousness. It can also be life-threatening. An insulinoma frequently needs to be surgically removed. Once the tumor is removed, complete retrieval is very likely. Doctors don’t know exactly why people get insulinomas. The tumors characteristically show up without warning. When you eat food, the pancreas creates insulin. Insulin is a hormone that aids your body store the sugar from your food. Once the sugar has been engrossed, the pancreas stops producing insulin. This process typically keeps blood sugar levels stable. However, it can be disrupted when an insulinoma progresses. The tumor endures to produce insulin even when your blood sugar drops too low. This can lead to hypoglycemia, a serious condition characterized by low blood sugar levels.

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