The lymph system is a series of lymph nodes and vessels that move lymph fluid through the body. Lymph fluids contain infection-fighting white blood cells. Lymph nodes act as filters, capturing and destroying bacteria and
viruses to prevent
infection from spreading. While the lymph system typically protects your body, lymph
cells called lymphocytes can become cancerous. They define there names of cancers by the occur in the lymph system are lymphomas. Lymphomas classify more than 70
cancer types. Lymphomas can affect any portion of the lymphatic system, including: bone marrow, thymus, spleen, tonsils,lymph nodes. Doctors typically divide lymphomas into two categories: Hodgkin’s
lymphoma and non-Hodgkin’s
lymphoma (NHL).
Lymphoma is entirely treatable, and the standpoint can shift contingent upon the kind of
lymphoma and its stage. Your PCP can assist you with finding the correct treatment for your sort and phase of the disease.
Lymphoma is unique in relation to leukemia. Every one of these
tumors begins in an alternate sort of cell.
Lymphoma begins in contamination battling lymphocytes.
Leukemia begins in blood-framing
cells inside bone marrow.
Lymphoma is additionally not equivalent to lymphedema, which is an assortment of liquid that structures in body
tissues when there is harm or blockage to the lymph framework.
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