Myxoid Leiomyosarcoma

Myxoid leiomyosarcoma is the uncommon version of a uterine leiomyosarcoma characterized by moxoid matrix, aggressive behaviour and vague cellularity. Leiomyosarcoma is the most common uterine sarcoma and accounts for 1% of uterine malignancies. Several cases of leiomyosome myxoid have been reported in the literature and the data were insufficient for definitive epidemiological studies regarding the prevalence of this pathology. The existing leiomyomas do not present a risk factor for this malignancy. About one in 100,000 people are diagnosed with leiomyosarcoma each year. LMS is one of the more common types of soft tissue sarcoma, representing 10 to 20 of new cases. Sarcoma is rare, and consists of only one percent of cancer cases in adults. Leiomyosarcomas can be very unexpected. They can remain dormant for long periods of time and return after years.    

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