
            Radioautography (RAG) is a technique used to show the positioning patterns of various compounds labeled radioactive isotopes (RI) in a sample. Physical techniques using compounds labeled RI and histochemical techniques used by RAG. In addition, histochemical techniques treat tissue areas through coated parts, including precursors labeled RI with photographic emulsions and exposure elimination. RAG can be used to detect both insoluble compounds bound to macromolecules and dissolved compounds that multiply in cells and tissues. In biological and medical research, these engineering samples are usually cells and tissues that contain radioactive substances, but in natural science they are always plants, animals and minerals. Microautoradiography (MARG) is a qualitative instrument for investigating the dimensions of drug-labeled radioactive dimensions at the cellular level with high resolution in histological samples. MARG is very adept at providing an understanding of the location of drug radioactivity related to receptors and dissolved in situ in many cell types. Full-body quantitative autoradiography (QWBA) using phosphorus imaging technology is reforming drug distribution research by providing high-resolution images of specific drug distributions.  This technique allows the division into two labels: cryofixing, which is usually suitable for all compounds, and chemical fixing, which is limited to the use of insoluble compounds.

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