Renewable Fuels

 Renewable Fuels are fuel, ethanol, wood alcohol from clean energy and greenhouse emission or biomass, and biodiesel) and atomic number 1 fuel (when created with renewable processes). Sugarcane-based ethanol has been the main automobile fuel in Brazil for over three decades thanks to the abundant and renewable production of cane sugar. a tenth blend of corn starch-based ethanol with gasoline, also referred to as E10 or gasohol, is employed in most cars running on US roads today. Starch based ethanol, also referred to as a primary generation biofuel, has been accepted as a commodity within the fuel market, which supplies fuel to most of the E10, E15 and E85 vehicles currently on US roads. However, using corn starch for ethanol could potentially compete with food, feed and fiber resources. Thus, lignocellulosic biomass materials are recognized as alternative feedstocks for ethanol production since the 1970s. Technologies and processes for cellulosic ethanol, referred to as a second generation biofuel, are developed and feasibility tests are successful at pilot plants. the foremost abundant and renewable lignocellulosic biomass materials contain not only cellulose, but also lignin and hemicelluloses during a complex and recalcitrant structure. Lignocellulosic biomass from agricultural and forestry residues, energy crops, and municipal waste are renewable and sustainable resources. the event of third generation biofuels and bio-based replacements of petroleum products including jet fuel, gasoline, polymers and chemical feedstocks from lignocellulosic materials will widen the biomass to bioenergy field. Evidently more innovative research and technologies are needed to make a sustainable bioenergy industry and to scale back US dependence on imported petroleum.  

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