
Rutaceae area unit a family, usually called the rueor citrus family, of flowering plants, sometimes placed within the plant order.Species of the family usually have flowers that divide into four or 5 components, sometimes with robust scents. they vary in kind and size from herbs to shrubs and enormous trees. The most economically necessary genus within the family is Citrus, which has the orange (C. × sinensis), lemon (C. × limon), grapefruit (C. × paradisi), and lime (various, mostly C. aurantifolia, the key lime). Boronia may be a giant Australian genus, some members of that area unit plants with extremely perfumed flowers and area unit employed in business drilling. Alternative giant genera embody genus Zanthoxylum, Melicope, and Agathosma. Regarding a hundred and sixty genera area unit within the rue family. Most species area unit trees or shrubs, many area unit herbs (Boenninghausenia and Dictamnus), oft aromatic with glands on the leaves, typically with thorns. The leaves area unit sometimes opposed and compound, and while not stipules. Pellucid glands, a sort of duct gland, area unit found within the leaves liable for the aromatic smell of the family's members; historically they need been the first synapomorphic characteristic to spot the family Rutaceae. Flowers area unit bractless, solitary or in inflorescence, seldom in flower cluster, and principally pollinated by insects. They’re radially or (rarely) laterally interchangeable, and usually hermaphroditic. they need four or 5 petals and sepals, typically 3, principally separate, eight to 10 reproductive structure (five in Skimmia, several in Citrus), sometimes separate or in many teams. Sometimes one stigma with two to five united carpels, typically ovaries separate however designs combined.  

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