
 Turmeric may be an angiosperm, belongs to family of the Zingiberaceae, the roots of which are utilized in cooking. The plant may be a perennial, herb native to the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia, rhizomatous, considerable amount of annual rainfall to thrive and which requires temperatures between 20 and 30 °C (68 and 86 °F). Plants are gathered annually for his or her rhizomes, some for propagation within the following season and a few for consumption. Turmeric is a spice it is due to turmeric plant. It is commonly used in Asian food. You probably know turmeric because the main spice in curry. It has a bitter taste and warm which is not having a flavour or colour curry powders, mustards, butters, and cheeses. But the basis of turmeric is additionally used widely to form medicine. It contains a yellow-coloured chemical called curcumin, which is usually wont to colour foods and cosmetics. Turmeric is usually used for conditions involving pain and inflammation, like osteoarthritis. It is also used for pollinosis, depression, high cholesterol, a kind of disease, and itching. Some people use turmeric for heartburn, thinking and memory skills, inflammatory bowel disease, stress, and lots of other conditions, but there no good scientific evidence to support these uses.  

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